
技术小编 16452 3




1. 一般输出设置项

# Specific setting to allow tuning the cycle time calculations

# Set the time it takes for machine to do a toolchange

tlchgtime    : 0.1   #Tool Change Time (* in Minutes *)

time_est     : 3     #Output operation and/or cycle times?

                     #0 = Do NOT output time estimates (including det_time estimates below)

                     #1 = Output operation time ONLY for EACH tool (not Program)

                     #2 = Output comeplete cycle time ONLY for entire Program

                     #3 = Output operation time for EACH tool AND cycle time for Program (if > 1 tool)

2. 加工时间输出设置

psof$            #Start of file for non-zero tool number             

      psetup  #Call for toolchange info output


ptlchg0$         #Call from NCI null tool change (tool number repeats)                        


      if op_id$ <> prv_op_id$, ptlchg$


ptlchg$          #Tool change - Output of time calculations for the last tool run

      if op_id$ = prv_op_id$, ex$

      ptooldata          #Total ending data for tool (Path Length and Times)

      tmax_fr = fr_pos$  #Initialize (max fr used in current tool)

      tmin_fr = fr_pos$  #Initialize (min fr used in current tool)


      psetup             #Call for toolchange info output


peof0$           #End of file for tool zero


peof$            #End of file for non-zero tool - Output of time calculations for the last tool and total time                  

      ptooldata  #Total ending data for tool (Path Length and Times)

      #Supress Program totals if only one tool or no output selected

      if tcnt > one & (fr_limits | xyz_limits | show_lengths | time_est),



        #Output Feed/Rapid path lengths

        if show_lengths = two | show_lengths = three,


          "Total Feed Cut Length = ", *llen_total, e$

          "Total Rapid Traverse Length = ", *rlen_total, e$

          #sepline, e$  #Output the separator '----' line


        #Output Rapid/Feedrate times

        if time_est > 0 & (det_time = two | det_time = three),


          ttltime = tot_rtime

          "Total Rapid Time = ", ptimeout, e$

          ttltime = tot_ltime

          "Total Feed  Time = ", ptimeout, e$

          #sepline, e$  #Output the separator '----' line


        #Output Cycle Time information

        if time_est = two | time_est = three,


          ttltime = total                #Transfer TOTAL program time

          "Cycle Time = ", ptimeout, e$  #Program Total time output




pthrminsec       #Convert minutes to hr/min/sec format

      thrs = int(ttltime / 60)

      tmin = int(ttltime - thrs * 60)

      tsec = (ttltime - thrs * 60 - tmin) * 60


pttltime         #Total tool times and total program time

      tot_ltime = tot_ltime + tltime      #Total FEED time

      tot_rtime = tot_rtime + trtime      #Total RAPID time

      ttltime = tltime + trtime           #Calc. current Tool Time

      total = ttltime + total + tlchgtime #Calc. total Program Time


ptimeout         #Output "times"

      pthrminsec  #Convert minutes to hr/min/sec format

      #Output 'HOURS'

      if thrs = one, *thrs, " Hour, "

      if thrs > one, *thrs, " Hours, "

      #Output 'MINUTES'

      if tmin = one, *tmin, " Minute, "

      if tmin > one, *tmin, " Minutes, "

      #Output 'SECONDS'

      if tsec > zero, *tsec, " Seconds"


ptimer           #Rapid time and length calc

      rlen = rlen + len            #Running total RAPID length

      trtime = rlen / pst_rpd_fr$  #Running total RAPID time

ptimel           #Feed time and length calc

      if fr_pos$ < zero, fr_pos$ = prv_fr_pos$

      if fr_pos$ < tol, fr_pos$ = tol

      llen = llen + len

      tltime = tltime + len / fr_pos$


ptimel           #Feed time and length calc

      if fr_pos$ < zero, fr_pos$ = prv_fr_pos$

      if fr_pos$ < tol, fr_pos$ = tol

      llen = llen + len

      tltime = tltime + len / fr_pos$


ptime            #Distance calculations

      dx = x$ - prv_x$

      dy = y$ - prv_y$

      dz = z$ - prv_z$

      len = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2)

      if gcode$ = zero, ptimer  #RAPID time and length calc

      if gcode$ = one, ptimel   #FEED  time and length calc

      !x$, !y$, !z$, !fr_pos$   #Update previous [prv_?] variables

      if fr_limits, pfrcheck    #Track MAX/MIN Feedrates if requested


# Format assignments

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

fmt     9   progno$     #Program number

fmt     3   t$          #Tool number

fmt     7   tldia$      #Tool diameter

fmt     7   tcr$        #Tool corner radius

fmt     3   tloffno$    #Diameter offset number

fmt     3   tlngno$     #Length offset number

fmt     3   ss$         #Spindle speed

fmt     4   fr_pos$     #Feedrate

fmt     2   llen        #Feed cut length

fmt     2   rlen        #Rapid traverse cut length

fmt     2   llen_total  #Feed cut length (program total)

fmt     2   rlen_total  #Rapid traverse cut length (program total)

fmt     2   total       #Total part time

fmt     2   ttltime     #Total operation time

fmt     3   thrs        #Time in hours

fmt     3   tmin        #Time in minutes

fmt     8   tsec        #Time in seconds

fmt     3   tcnt        #Tool Counter

fmt     3   custcycle   #Custom Cycle number

fmt     4   tmax_fr     #Max Feedrate in current Tool

fmt     4   tmin_fr     #Min Feedrate in current Tool

fmt     4   pmax_fr     #Max Feedrate in Program

fmt     4   pmin_fr     #Min Feedrate in Program

将以上内容加入到现有后处理中,配以适当的位置便可以在后处理出的NC程序中输出加工时间,其中的快速进给是机床默认的12500mm/min,切削进给在编程参数中设定,换刀时间(tlchgtime    : 0.0333   #Tool Change Time (* in Minutes *)可以根据具体机床设定,本程序设定0.3333分钟,大概是2秒。

其总加工时间( CYCLE TIME)=快速进给时间+切削进给时间+换刀时间;基本吻合实际生产加工时间。


加工方式:Dynamic roughing (动态加工) 

切削材料:AL6061-T6   (铝材 6061)

使用刀具: ISCAR 0.750 Chatterfree (依斯卡 0.75英才防振立铣刀)

切削步距: 40% stepover (刀具直径 X 40%)

切削深度: 1.15 stepdown. (1.15英寸)
